Need Some Distance Learning Ideas for COVID-19?

Need Some Distance Learning Ideas for COVID-19?

Now that more kids are attending an online high school, they will have more spare time in their hands. Here’s a short list of some of the things that you could do in CIM class with your kiddos while trying out distance learning. All will require a computer (That’s what the C in “CIM” stands for!) and some will require software downloaded… but feel free to change them around to fit your needs!

Research Project: Assign students to build a brochure, via google docs to make a brochure on a manufacturing process. Have them find a link to an interesting video on a process, watch it, and then add it to their brochure. Go HERE for the activity with a downloadable template. Go HERE for some exemplars.

Here’s an example of one of the brochures made with the template

Robotics Programming: Just got off the phone with Intellitek, and they said to go HERE to download the PLTW version of the software, and you have the free trial version. Even better is that if you give your students the key from your school district, they can unlock the full version at home. This is legit, and Intelitek said I could share this method via phone support. It will only work with this version! Wait! It gets better! Go HERE to get video tutorials for a lot of the Robocell projects!

Fusion Basics: Students can do some 3D modeling using fusion if they sign up in the autodesk student community. All of my students already have an account, then they log into their 360 account and use Fusion 360 in their browser! Kinda slow, so if you can download it, even better! The post HERE has downloadable worksheets and electronic hand ins for you and the students and a full set of videos to accompany them.

Advanced 3D modeling: Use your favorite software (Inventor/Fusion 360 was used for this activity) to complete these advanced models. The post HERE has downloadable worksheets and electronic hand ins for you and the students so that you can evaluate them from afar.

This would be another activity that you might be able to use as a distance learning project during the COVID-19 outbreak as well.




Chris and Jim CIM
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