General CNC Resources

Brief History & Explanation of CNC & G-Code

Brief History & Explanation of CNC & G-Code

Download the worksheet here Either download the word document above, and type the answers in and hand in to your instructor, or follow the directions below. If you look it up the definition will be something like this: G–code is a language in which people tell computerized machine tools how to make something. If you are […]
Precision Measurement: Why & How?

Precision Measurement: Why & How?

Mark from Haas Automation sets his sights on a topic that every machinist and every machine shop deals with on a daily basis. He looks at the tools and terms you need to become familiar with as you’re starting out making parts and measuring them. Thanks to Haas Automation for this great video.
Mounting Stock in a Manual Vice

Mounting Stock in a Manual Vice

Question: How do you mount a piece of stock in a manual vice in your milling machine? Answer: CIM Master Teacher Matt Baehr explains how to mount a piece of material in your manual vice and why he does it the way he does. This will apply to all other milling machines as well. See […]
How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

QUESTION: Does it matter how many teeth or flutes my end mills have? ANSWER: Actually it does. A good rule of thumb for the beginner: the harder the material, the more teeth!  What’s the difference between teeth and flutes? Teeth do the cutting, flutes bring the cut material away from the part. The excerpt from […]
What kind of tools should I use?

What kind of tools should I use?

Question: I know nothing about tools for CNC machines.  What kind are there, and what can I use them for? Answer: There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to CNC machines, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom. There […]
The Basics: Tooling For CNC Machines

The Basics: Tooling For CNC Machines

There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to cnc machining equipment, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom. There are complete courses on these topics, but this should get you started First of all, We have put together a […]
EdgeCAM Tutorials

EdgeCAM Tutorials

Below are the best of the best in our EdgeCAM video series. This will be the last version of these, as both Jim and I have gone exclusively to HSM in the classroom. These videos are wildly popular on our Youtube channel, and I am sure they will be for a loooong time to come…. […]
What's the Difference Between Climb and Conventional Cutting?

What's the Difference Between Climb and Conventional Cutting?

QUESTION: What is the difference between Climb & Conventional cutting? ANSWER: Milling tools can advance through the material so that the cutting flutes engage the material at maximum thickness and then decreases to zero. This is called Climb Milling. Cutting in the opposite direction causes the tool to scoop up the material, starting at zero thickness […]
What is Chip Load?

What is Chip Load?

QUESTION: What is Chip Load? ANSWER: Chip Load is defined as the thickness of material cutaway by each cutting tooth. See the explanation below in an excerpt from the downloadable powerpoint! CNJ CNC TOOLING BASICS  

Chris and Jim CIM
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