How Do I Paste G-Code into Tormach

How Do I Paste G-Code into Tormach

Question: Can students simply paste the g-code that they have written by hand into the Tormach and run it without having to edit the g-code? For example… if they are doing the Yo-Yo Project? Answer: Download the answer as a handout The Tormach machines need a little more code (closer to what industry uses) than […]
Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Question: I want to use Fusion 360 and post it to a Tormach machine. How do I do it? Answer: Well, all new versions of Fusion 360 should already come with the post processor installed, but if you have an older version, you can go to Tormach’s website and download any post that you want […]
How do you Use a Collet?

How do you Use a Collet?

Question: I have anxsTECH Router and I can’t get my tools to stay in the tool holder. How do I make it work? Answer: It’s easy, but takes a little work when using a collet on a tool holder. This short video shows you how to “snap” the collet into the nut so the tool […]
What comes in the box and how do I wire it together?

What comes in the box and how do I wire it together?

I know, that’s really two questions… actually a Q & A and a How to… so I’ll post it in both… What does the Tormach xsTECH come with? What’s in the box? How do I wire it together? All of these questions and more answered in this short video.
How to hold material in the xsTECH

How to hold material in the xsTECH

What’s the best way to hold _____________ in my xsTECH router? From strap clamps to double sided tape, we have it all! Learn how to hold everything including circuit boards, flat stock, and blocks in this video. Can you believe that you can use strap clamps, sticky tape, and all kinds of ways to hold […]
Will a vice fit in an xsTECH?

Will a vice fit in an xsTECH?

Answer: That’s a fair question. When trying to come up with an aswer though, you’ll have to do a bit of research, as it will depend on what you’re machining. Also, there are many different one’s out there. Luckily Jim did some research for us… maybe this video will help guide you to an aswer.
How do I use an edge finder?

How do I use an edge finder?

Tired of using the I.L.A.R method of finding the corner of your stock (It Looks About Right…). Then here’s the video for you! This video was made by Tormach, and it shows you how to utilize two different types of edge finders. Thanks Tormach! [youtube_sc url=”” width=”900″] This video demonstrates the use of a mechanical […]
How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

QUESTION: Does it matter how many teeth or flutes my end mills have? ANSWER: Actually it does. A good rule of thumb for the beginner: the harder the material, the more teeth!  What’s the difference between teeth and flutes? Teeth do the cutting, flutes bring the cut material away from the part. The excerpt from […]
What kind of tools should I use?

What kind of tools should I use?

Question: I know nothing about tools for CNC machines.  What kind are there, and what can I use them for? Answer: There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to CNC machines, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom. There […]

Chris and Jim CIM
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