Dobot Magician Storage Option

Dobot Magician Storage Option

Question: I just ordered 10 Dobot Magicians for my classroom. Do you have any ideas for a good way to store them? Answer: Well, one way to do it inexpensively is to store them in rolling toolboxes. This way two robots, and all of their accessories can be kept together, and rolled about the room. […]
Dobot's Privacy Policy For Schools

Dobot's Privacy Policy For Schools

Download Privacy Policy Here Question: My school is giving me a hard time installing the DobotLab and DobotLink Software and they say they need proof that it follows all laws for software in schools. Where do I find this information? Answer: Well, they just revised it and put it on their website. I believe that […]
Making a Dobot Account

Making a Dobot Account

Question: How do I make an account with Dobot for my kids to be able to use and save their programs in the cloud? It’s very frustrating! Answer: There are some weird little things in the process, but I have done it successfully now with multiple emails including Gmail, Live, Outlook, and Yahoo. This does […]

Dobot Lab: Installation

Question: How do I install Dobot Lab in my class, and how much does it cost? Answer: Well… It’s free! and to get it, you can download from us HERE! DobotLab is the software that controls the arm, DobotLink allows your computer to connect to the software. Download Now! To Install: 1. Download both DobotLab […]

Where do I get the New Sensor Kit for My Dobot Magician?

Question: I see there’s a new sensor kit for the Dobot Magician. Is it any good? Where can I get it? Answer: Jim and I have both tested this extensively and I emphatically endorse it! They connect to your robot effortlessly, and give your robot so much more usefulness when it comes sensing and AI. […]
Dobot Magician Spare Parts

Dobot Magician Spare Parts

Question: My ___________________ for my Dobot Magician/Magician Light is broken/missing/not working, what can I do? Answer: Ben Sawyer from InPosition Technologies has given us a pricelist of spare parts! InPosition is the certified repair company in the US, and they are the place to go for parts. One negative is that there is a $50 […]
Should I use Dobots?

Should I use Dobots?

So which robots should I use in my classroom? Dobots? Lynxmotion? Rotrics? Fanuc? Great question! Jim and I use Dobot’s exclusively in our classrooms for many reasons. One of which is because we wrote the curriculum for them: Teach and Playback and Blockly. Below we have come up with some justification for their use in […]
Where do you get the Dobot handshaking wires?

Where do you get the Dobot handshaking wires?

When you need a 700 mm Molex or Dupont, female to female, connector, what do you do?!?
The VEX Switch Doesn't Work Anymore as an Input.... How do I fix it?

The VEX Switch Doesn't Work Anymore as an Input.... How do I fix it?

Question: I used the Dobots last year to do activity 4 Using Digital Inputs (Here) and it worked great!  The kids are having a blast!  But no matter what I do this year, I cannot get it to work on any of my robots. How do I fix this? Answer:   Well….. My bad…. I’ve […]

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