Onshape Tutorials

Bird House Project

Bird House Project

This isn’t your great grandpa’s shop class bird house; not that that project was a bad one… A great project to learn or reinforce advanced processes and tools in Onshape. This can be used in class, or virtually, and can also be used as a going beyond project.
Holey Ball Project

Holey Ball Project

What’s the Holey Ball Project you ask? It is a project that teaches some advanced techniques in Onshape dealing with geometry and work planes. Great for a student who is ahead on another project…
Parametrics-Variables in Onshape

Parametrics-Variables in Onshape

Question: How do I do parametric modeling in Onshape? Answer: Use parametric modeling, or variables in Onshape to make a 3D cube puzzle.
Wrap in Onshape

Wrap in Onshape

Question: How do I use the Wrap tool in Onshape? Answer: Wrap text and other geometry on cylindrical, or curved surfaces in Onshape.
Onshape Advanced Tools

Onshape Advanced Tools

So you think you know all there is to know after the basic tutorials huh? No no, that was just the tip of the iceberg! In this set of tutorials Jim shows us the more advanced tools like Loft, Helix, Wrap, Work Planes, and Sweep. There are also a couple projects you can do with […]
Winter Snowflake Challenge

Winter Snowflake Challenge

Youtube Playlist Snowflake Challenge Introduction: You have been approached by your high school’s tech club to help them design a snowflake style ornament for their annual fundraiser.  This year they would like to offer an ornament that has been laser cut.  They have a few requests for you to consider while helping them design this […]
Onshape Assemblies

Onshape Assemblies

Question: Hello, Does anyone have a simple assembly video for OnShape?  Answer: Are you using a Chromebook? That makes it a bit more challenging, and you may want to try watching this video first. If not, watch the video below. Still having troubles? Check out the Methodology below, and watch the video clip! Follow this […]
Reading Drawings

Reading Drawings

Question: How do I read a drawing to make the parts for the bucket loader project? Answer: It’s a great skill to have if you are working on building stuff from a drawing for any project. Here’s a quick tutorial!
OnShape Revolve Tool- Basic to Advanced

OnShape Revolve Tool- Basic to Advanced

Real World Shapes Activity Basic Revolve Activity Complex Revolve Activity Introduction: Sometimes it’s hard to get started with a basic tool in 3D modeling because it seems daunting. Here’s a great way to get started with the revolve tool and then move right into it’s more advanced features. Go as far as you want, or […]

Chris and Jim CIM
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