Winter Snowflake Challenge

Winter Snowflake Challenge
Youtube PlaylistSnowflake Challenge


You have been approached by your high school’s tech club to help them design a snowflake style ornament for their annual fundraiser.  This year they would like to offer an ornament that has been laser cut.  They have a few requests for you to consider while helping them design this year’s ornament. Download the Snowflake Challenge, Check out the first video in the playlist for an introduction and let’s get started!


Please read all of the constraints on the dowownload before you start, but here are the basics:

  • The final product must be 1/8” thick
  • Final design must fit in a 2.9” x 2.9” square.
  • Material is 1/8” thick acrylic or wood.
  • It should be simple in design: Use the tools you have just learned about in Inventor.
  • Design must have at least one patterned feature:
    • Circular or Linear
    • Mirror or curve


Watch the videos below, and use what you have learned in class to complete this assignment. The first video is an intro to the project. Please watch it first! The other videos are review of what you learned in class about patterning and can be found in the playlist below.


Did you make some cool examples? Send us some pictures or post them on social media with #CNJWinterSnowflakeChallenge Can’t wait to see your ideas!




Chris and Jim CIM
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