How to change ramping in HSM

How to change ramping in HSM

Download handout with images Question: When I make a pocket in Inventor, and then try to machine it with HSM, it takes forever to start cutting, and it swirls down into the part and moves very slowly. How do I get rid of this? Thanks for the question Marianne! Solution: CAUTION: The change below should […]
HSM: Basic Part Setup

HSM: Basic Part Setup

Do this FIRST when machining a part using HSM.
How do you install the HSM Toolstore and a Post Processor?

How do you install the HSM Toolstore and a Post Processor?

Question: How do you install the HSM Toolstore and a Post Processor? Solution: The trick is to have the right files and know where to put them! Watch the video below as Jim tells us where to put the files that can be downloaded at the link below. Be sure to unzip them first. Download […]
CNC Vocabulary For HSM

CNC Vocabulary For HSM

Question: Since I switched from EdgeCAM to HSM, the vocabulary is a little different. Do you have any Key Terms that you use in your classroom that you wouldn’t mind sharing? Answer: Of course not! The terminology is a little bit different when you switch from EdgeCAM to HSM, but the concepts are the same. PLTW […]
How do I get G&M Code Using Inventor HSM?

How do I get G&M Code Using Inventor HSM?

Question: How do I get G&M code from Inventor HSM to make my actual part on the milling machine? Answer: post-code-with-hsm It’s really gotten very easy to do with HSM. Follow the directions below, and you should be all set!  Be sure to download the PLTW tool library, and watch video 0 at the link […]
Tool Attribute WS: What Speeds & Feeds for Renshape?

Tool Attribute WS: What Speeds & Feeds for Renshape?

Question: What are the speeds and feeds that you use in your classroom while CNC machining? Answer: That’s really a loaded question!  It depends on a lot of different variables. With that said, below is a list of speeds, feeds, plunge rates, and general info I use when machining Renshape 440 or 450 in my […]


Question: What speeds and feeds do I use on wax or Renshape in my classroom? (spindle speeds in the attached picture  are higher because they are for a machine with a 10K spindle!) Want to buy Renshape?  Get it here: Freeman Supply I use the 450 because it is cheaper! Solution: Great question!  The short answer: […]
How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

QUESTION: Does it matter how many teeth or flutes my end mills have? ANSWER: Actually it does. A good rule of thumb for the beginner: the harder the material, the more teeth!  What’s the difference between teeth and flutes? Teeth do the cutting, flutes bring the cut material away from the part. The excerpt from […]
What kind of tools should I use?

What kind of tools should I use?

Question: I know nothing about tools for CNC machines.  What kind are there, and what can I use them for? Answer: There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to CNC machines, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom. There […]

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