Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Well, here it is, summertime, and we are getting ready to update the website. This whole website, and all of its content have been free of charge, because we feel strongly that teaching kids how to make stuff is vitally important to our economy, and we are passionate about bringing this content to you and your students.

It is however, getting harder, as costs of the website, costs of equipment and materials, and costs related to hosting the website continue to increase. We feel very strongly too, that placing ads all over our website and all over our videos, is not the way that we want to go either.

Two ways to Donate: QR Code or Donate Button!

ORPayPal Donate Button

Hence, we thought we would try the Donate Button. We set up a Paypal account, where you can make a donation, however much you can, to help us keep Chris & Jim CIM free. Please know that your donation will go towards web hosting, domain maintenance, and cost of materials, supplies and equipment. In the meantime, we will be working on some more cool content as well as a site upgrade.

Thank you so much in advance and please contact us at and we will answer all of your questions!

PayPal Donate Button




Chris and Jim CIM
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