Dobot Magician Start Up Procedure

Dobot Magician Start Up Procedure


What’s the proper way to actually get my Dobot Magician to connect to my computer?  What software is required? Is it expensive?



Number one, the software is free and it is called Dobot Studio. I am told it always will be, and it is updated regularly. You can install it on as many computers as you wish. Did I mention it is free? As for start up procedure, it is very easy. just watch the short one minute video clip below.  A couple other things while we are at it…. be sure that the power supply power cord is plugged in all the way; this is a common reason for not connecting. Also please heed the warning below and NEVER plug inputs or outputs into the robot while it is powered “ON”.

Never connect or disconnect inputs or outputs to the robot while it is powered up or connected to the software. Damage to the robot will result!




Chris and Jim CIM
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