IED Students Design & Build Clocks

For their final project in Design and Drawing for Production (IED), students in Mr. Hyatt’s class designed, modeled, and produced their own custom laser cut clocks.  Students were given some basic constraints but were encouraged to be creative, use the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired this year in class, and demonstrate what the laser cutter is capable of doing through cutting and engraving.  All clocks were cut using ⅛” Baltic Birch Plywood and pieces were layered, cut, engraved, and/or painted to achieve their specific looks.

In addition to this final project, students also designed, modeled, and produced custom fidget spinners earlier this year and printed them on the 3D printers.  They also designed and produced T-shirts with their own custom designed logos. The students did an excellent job! @PLTWorg @CazenoviaCSD @CazHSTechLabs @mfgeducation





Chris and Jim CIM
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