How Do I Paste G-Code into Tormach

How Do I Paste G-Code into Tormach

Question: Can students simply paste the g-code that they have written by hand into the Tormach and run it without having to edit the g-code? For example… if they are doing the Yo-Yo Project? Answer: Download the answer as a handout The Tormach machines need a little more code (closer to what industry uses) than […]
Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Question: I want to use Fusion 360 and post it to a Tormach machine. How do I do it? Answer: Well, all new versions of Fusion 360 should already come with the post processor installed, but if you have an older version, you can go to Tormach’s website and download any post that you want […]
Brief History & Explanation of CNC & G-Code

Brief History & Explanation of CNC & G-Code

Download the worksheet here Either download the word document above, and type the answers in and hand in to your instructor, or follow the directions below. If you look it up the definition will be something like this: G–code is a language in which people tell computerized machine tools how to make something. If you are […]
Shapeoko: Add a Hardware E-Stop

Shapeoko: Add a Hardware E-Stop

Weirdest thing. The machine is quite amazing. The software is pretty well thought out. The build is easy. The workflow is smooth. But where’s the E-stop? There is ABSOLUTELY no way I could put a machine in my classroom without an E-stop, and the Shapeoko does not have one. Either software or hardware. I contacted […]
Shapeoko-Install CarbideMotion

Shapeoko-Install CarbideMotion

Question: How do I Install CarbideMotion? Do I need it? How does it work? Answer: CarbideMotion is the control software by Carbide 3D that controls the Shapeoko CNC Routers. click on the picture below and it will take you to Carbide 3D’s website that takes you through an overview of the software, an installation guide, […]
Shapeoko- Carbide Create Basics

Shapeoko- Carbide Create Basics

A very easy to use piece of software to help you design parts for your Shapeoko router. Considered a CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) program, it allows you to design stuff on your stock, apply the toolpaths, then send it to your machine! The software is bare bones compared to EdgeCAM or HSM, but yet it […]
Tormach PathPilot- Conversational Milling Tutorials

Tormach PathPilot- Conversational Milling Tutorials

Tormach’s Pathpilot Software contains an awesome feature called Conversational Milling which allows you to create G & M Code for simple or repetitive geometry without any 3D models or CAM. Imagine that… Think of the time you can save! We know there are a few tabs missing, but they are coming shortly!
How do you Use a Collet?

How do you Use a Collet?

Question: I have anxsTECH Router and I can’t get my tools to stay in the tool holder. How do I make it work? Answer: It’s easy, but takes a little work when using a collet on a tool holder. This short video shows you how to “snap” the collet into the nut so the tool […]
Project Idea: CNC Nameplate

Project Idea: CNC Nameplate

Download the Activity In this project you will be able to take everything you’ve learned about Conversational Machining in PathPilot and put it together in one project to make a name plate. Go to our Conversational tutorials to learn the basics if each step of this project. The material we used is a piece of […]

Chris and Jim CIM
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