Shapeoko: Add a Hardware E-Stop

Shapeoko: Add a Hardware E-Stop

Weirdest thing. The machine is quite amazing. The software is pretty well thought out. The build is easy. The workflow is smooth. But where’s the E-stop?

There is ABSOLUTELY no way I could put a machine in my classroom without an E-stop, and the Shapeoko does not have one. Either software or hardware. I contacted support to see If I was missing something in software and my email went unanswered. Weird…

But anyway, here’s a good start; a hardware E-stop designed and implemented by tech teacher Jamie Cuyler.

What you need:

The E-stop switch we used was found on Amazon and was wired Normally Closed (N.C.) and we followed the directions that came with the switch. We found a diagram here that matched what we did:

Below is a collage of pictures for our set up and is pretty self explanatory. We plug the router AND the controller into the E-Stop box so that power is cut to both.




Chris and Jim CIM
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