Onshape-Basic Parts Practice

Onshape-Basic Parts Practice

Download the WorksheetDownload the E-Hand-In

You know what they say… “Practice makes perfect!”. So here you go. An Activity/Project that gives you eleven different basic parts to make in OnShape. Be sure to watch the Q & A’s, and these will be a breeze!

We specifically have built in mistakes that will commonly be made so that you can learn how to correct them as we did. We also decided to only do tutorial videos for 5 of the eleven parts so that you get even more practice doing them on your own.

So, all you have to do is download and print out the worksheet. Once printed, use the scale given to sketch the needed dimensions on the isometrics. Once finished, open up OnShape, watch the tutorials below, and make all eleven parts.

When you have made all the parts, just download the E-Hand-In word document above, take proper snips or screen captures of your finished parts, paste them into the E-Hand-In document, and turn it in to your teacher. Be sure to take the snips according to what your instructor tells you!

In the videos below, Chris shows you one way to make the parts in 3D modeling software; in this case, OnShape. We know all eleven do not have videos; we picked the ones that teach you everything you need to know to make all of them, then you and your students can apply what you’ve learned. You can then tell your admin’s you’ve scaffolded the lessons and get bonus points!




Chris and Jim CIM
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