Tag: hand

How Do I Paste G-Code into Tormach

Question: Can students simply paste the g-code that they have written by hand into the Tormach and run it without having to edit the g-code? For example… if they are doing the Yo-Yo Project? Answer: Download the answer as a handout The Tormach machines need a little more code (closer...

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Advanced CAD Modeling & Mfg Math Activity

Worksheet with DimensionsElectronic Hand-in Document In this activity, students can download the worksheet with the dimensions and directions, and use them to build the METRIC models in your favorite 3D modeling software. NOTE: Worksheet with Dimensions Drawings updated 4/30/2020… Thanks...

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10 Blockly-Handshaking Dobot to VEX

Download Often robotic arms need to communicate with other devices or controllers in a work cell, or factory. This is called HANDSHAKING and can be done between different machines, devices and robots. It is a very simple form of communication and is done with simple ones and zeros; or “ons” and...

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Robocell: Handshaking

Question: How do I complete Robocell Activity H, Handshaking? It’s not that hard to do once you understand the concepts behind variables. Here are some video tutorials to get you on your way: Handshaking: Cell Setup

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Factory simulations from UK show off automation

Doesn’t get much better than this!  18 teachers from around the country gathered at the University of Kentucky to learn about CIM for two weeks. They spent two days showing off what they learned by making a factory simulation. The class was broken up into two teams, and both successfully completed...

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The Handshake Boards Are In!

Boards came from PCBExpress today. Had a spare optical isolator, and some wire and resistors so I made one on the board. Soldered it according to the instructions on the board and this is what it looked like: INITIAL TESTING COMPLETE!

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Chris and Jim CIM
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