Intellitek Mill: From Set up to Making Your First Part

Intellitek Mill: From Set up to Making Your First Part

So you have a new small cnc milling machine… what now???? From how to clamp a part to the table to making your first part, this is the video to watch. See the references section below for links to the other info in the video.

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Video Time Stamps:

0:24 Vices
0:38 Drill press vice
1:25 Machine vice
2:30 Accuracy of a vice
4:30 Machinist squares
5:25 Strap clamps
8:42 Fixed corner/stock
9:00 Putting your stock in the vice
10:00 Laser cut parallels
10:50 other parallels
11:30 Magnetic parallels
13:00 Finding home
13:55 Finding PRZ
14:00 What’s a tool library?
15:00 What’s PLTW’s tool library
16:30 What tool can I use to cut wood?
17:30 CNCmotion: entering tools
19:50 Installing a tool in the spindle
20:30 Using the height offset gauge
22:05 testing your tool library
25:48 Setting a reference height
30:30 Preventing oxidation
33:30 Finding PRZ
34:10 Using an edge finder (video)
37:01 ILAR method
38:20 Match the tool in the machine to the one in the software.
39:59 Changing stock size CNCbase/motion
40:30 Verify the part
42:30 Run the part
49:30 Safe position

How do I use HSM to make parts in Inventor:

CNCmotion Solutions (answers to common questions when using CNCmotion):

How do I use an Edgefinder?

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 Tooling Basics PPT can be found on this site here:

Step Clamps:

Toolmaker’s Vise:

Drill Press Vise:

Parallel Clamp (Use with a neodymium magnet, you can buy them at Home Depot)


Cyclone for your Shop Vac:




Chris and Jim CIM
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