Chris and Jim CIM Gets a Face Lift!

Chris and Jim CIM Gets a Face Lift!

Hey boys and girls! Chris and Jim CIM just got a face lift thanks to an amazing senior at Cazenovia High School. Mike Gugino, a computer/Software Engineering major is a Freshman at RIT and this was his senior project.  Mike did all the coding and the heavy lifting behind the scenes, and then taught us how to maintain it!  Special Thanks to Mike’s Computer Tech teacher as well: Mr. Phan. The 5 minute video below gives you an overview of how it works.

While we are at it, I also want to clarify the mission of Chris and Jim CIM. We established this website because we as educators see the importance of teaching CIM to high school students. This is a vehicle for Augmenting what happens in a CIM classroom, and in no way shape or form is meant to replace anyone’s curriculum.

You asked questions; we answered. You got better, we gave you more cool stuff to add to your bag of tricks. That’s what it’s all about. Giving your kids in your classrooms, the best possible bang for their buck.

The president of the US thinks it’s important, industry thinks it’s important, and so do we.


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Chris and Jim CIM
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