Tag: robotc

Introduction to RobotC and VEX Inputs & Outputs

When you think about it, in manufacturing, controlling things is necessary to perform very complex tasks to manufacture items to tolerances finer than a human hair. Think about all of the systems that have to be controlled in a single work cell in a factory… then multiply it by 10’s or 100’s of cells....

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VEX Startup and Troubleshooting Guide

Question: The VEX hardware and software never seem to work well together in my classroom, do you have any troubleshooting hints to make it all work? Solution: Thank Jim for this… He pulled together many resources into one right here. From start up to connecting, to flinging across a football...

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VEX Encoder Doesn’t Work!

Question: I can’t seem to get my encoder to work no matter what I do!  It will only ever return a value of 0 or 1, and only for a moment. What’s up? Answer: Well, did you restart your software and hardware? Then check this out!  I’ll bet you have another analog sensor plugged into...

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The VEX Testbed is boring….

Question: The VEX Testbed is boring; do you know of another way to make learning RobotC programming more appealing to high school students? Answer: Well, in my classroom we build clawbots, then add all of the sensors to them. we then get to program the sensors on a real, mobile robot!  Kids love it...

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Problem: How do you handshake with two VEX Cortex’s? I can’t seem to get it to work! Solution: I had to call in the big guns on this one; Jim is a RobotC programmer extraordinaire. He put together the tutorial below.  Not only that, but he and I wrote the powerpoint and the teacher’s...

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2015-16 PDP #2: Intro to VEX and RobotC

on Tuesday, 06 October 2015. CIM LESSONS 1.1 & 1.2 The second PDP session for the 2015-16 school year was held last night, and many topics were covered from lessons 1.2 & 1.3. This includes a short intro to VEX and RobotC and an overview of the Transfer System Project. [youtube_sc...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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