VEX Encoder Doesn't Work!

VEX Encoder Doesn't Work!


I can’t seem to get my encoder to work no matter what I do!  It will only ever return a value of 0 or 1, and only for a moment. What’s up?


Well, did you restart your software and hardware? Then check this out!  I’ll bet you have another analog sensor plugged into your cortex, like the sonar…. Found this after searching the web…. If using another analog sensor, the Quad Encoder MUST be plugged into a higher number port. Really? Yup. See the snip below. Spent at least a day on this then found the documentation on line, switched the ports with the sonar sensor so that the encoder was on 8 & 9, and the sonar on 4 & 5, and viola! Success!  Try it! Also… we NEVER got the error as shown below… It just didn’t work. Download the whole VEX pdf here: Quadrature+Encoders





Chris and Jim CIM
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