Tag: learning

Welcome Mass Teachers & Mass STEM Hub!

So looking forward to discussing manufacturing with teachers from MA tonight about how to teach Computer Aided Manufacturing in today’s educational setting. Like manufacturing, the face of education is changing rapidly. Thank you to MassSTEMhub for supporting CIM teachers throughout the great...

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Onshape-Basic Parts Practice

Download the WorksheetDownload the E-Hand-In You know what they say… “Practice makes perfect!”. So here you go. An Activity/Project that gives you eleven different basic parts to make in OnShape. Be sure to watch the Q & A’s, and these will be a breeze! We specifically...

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Fluid Power-Pneumatics and Hydraulics

Hydraulics is defined as the branch of science and technology concerned with the conveyance of liquids to produce mechanical force or control another system and Pneumatics is defined as the branch of physics or technology concerned with the mechanical properties of gases. The key here is that...

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How do my kids use Fusion 360 in a browser

Answer: It’s easy, albeit a little slow in a browser from our experience, but slow Fusion is better than no Fusion! Your kids must have a student community log in in order for this to work. I did this last year with all of my students, and it makes this process very easy… Otherwise...

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Need Some Distance Learning Ideas for COVID-19?

Now that more kids are attending an online high school, they will have more spare time in their hands. Here’s a short list of some of the things that you could do in CIM class with your kiddos while trying out distance learning. All will require a computer (That’s what the C in “CIM”...

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Advanced CAD Modeling & Mfg Math Activity

Worksheet with DimensionsElectronic Hand-in Document In this activity, students can download the worksheet with the dimensions and directions, and use them to build the METRIC models in your favorite 3D modeling software. NOTE: Worksheet with Dimensions Drawings updated 4/30/2020… Thanks...

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Question: Having students write a paper or do a ppt project for manufacturing processes is boring! Do you have a better idea? DOWNLOAD: 2017-mfg-research-project Solution: Sure do! How about a manufacturing process brochure? This way students have to do a bit of research, (1 to 2 days) on...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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