Tag: cim

See you at the University of Texas at Tyler!

Well CTI’s have been doled out finally!  Jim will be at CalPoly Pomona, Ryan Dennes will be at the University of Kentucky & Bucknell and I will be at the University of Texas at Tyler with Ryan Stobaugh . There are a total of nine sessions going on for CIM throughout the summer so check your...

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CalPoly Pomona: Factory Smackdown!

The new CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) teachers at CalPoly Pomona’s CTI successfully completed another “Factory Smackdown”.  See the videos below! Concierge Factory: In our factory cell an AGV stops at each of four stations, where a signal is sent to a robotic arm. The...

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Factory simulations from UK show off automation

Doesn’t get much better than this!  18 teachers from around the country gathered at the University of Kentucky to learn about CIM for two weeks. They spent two days showing off what they learned by making a factory simulation. The class was broken up into two teams, and both successfully completed...

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CIM class at UK gets visitors

Scott Tobias and I are teaching at the University of Kentucky for two weeks, and our charge is this: Train 18 teachers from around the country to teach our nations high school students Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (The best PLTW Engineering course by far btw….) Every year we get visitors...

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CTI 2016: What is CIM?

Wow! I think I’m famous!  First I saw of this was today, as posted on CalPoly Pomona’s YouTube page. It gives a short overview of what CIM is, and what you can expect to leave from core training with. Thanks CPP! [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/BKQE6w6Psn8″ width=”800″] ...

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Student Research Exemplars

Question: There are a couple of research assignments that I would like my students to do. Do you have any exemplars of what you have used in class? Answer: 1.1 History of CIM Powerpoint Examples 2.2 CIM Processes Brochure Examples   process-brochure-template We sure do! Note that the exemplars that...

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Chris and Jim CIM Gets a Face Lift!

Hey boys and girls! Chris and Jim CIM just got a face lift thanks to an amazing senior at Cazenovia High School. Mike Gugino, a computer/Software Engineering major is a Freshman at RIT and this was his senior project.  Mike did all the coding and the heavy lifting behind the scenes, and then taught...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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