CIM class at UK gets visitors

CIM class at UK gets visitors

2016 UK VisitScott Tobias and I are teaching at the University of Kentucky for two weeks, and our charge is this: Train 18 teachers from around the country to teach our nations high school students Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (The best PLTW Engineering course by far btw….) Every year we get visitors from administrators, teachers, and others from around the area trying to get a glimpse of what CIM is; and they always leave with a smile, knowing more about what we do.

This week we had special visitor. A former UK Alumni, and engineer, Mr. Bill Sims was in town with his family, and he stopped on campus. We just happened to be running the milling machines, and they came in to investigate. His family got quite the treat!  Participants showed his family what they were doing, and even let the kids run the CNC machines, while we found out more about Mr. Sims.

bill simsMr. Sims has quite the storied background, and spent many years learning on the UK campus, starting when he was in high school. He then went into the Air Force, proudly serving our nation (thank you!), and then he went on to become an engineer at Disney. While there he played a key role in designing the “Tower of Terror” and many other rides.  He is now on his way to Dayton Ohio, where he will present his design for a statue to be placed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Read more about his life HERE.

Thank you Mr. Sims for your visit today. We had fun showing your family what CIM is all about, and we had fun talking to you as well. Thanks also for everything along the way, from serving our great country, to the Tower of Terror, and everything else you have done in between! We will be sending you a finished container when they are all done. Best wishes in Dayton, and I hope to see your statue the next time I teach CTI at Sinclair!




Chris and Jim CIM
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