Tag: autodesk

Make a Ring Pop in 3D!

Ring Pops were invented in the late 1970s by a man named Frank Richards who was a product engineer at the Topps Company. He wanted to help his daughter in breaking her thumb-sucking habit, so he invented the Ring Pop as a treat to eliminate her childish addiction. ( Wilson, Laurnie. “A...

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How do my kids use Fusion 360 in a browser

Answer: It’s easy, albeit a little slow in a browser from our experience, but slow Fusion is better than no Fusion! Your kids must have a student community log in in order for this to work. I did this last year with all of my students, and it makes this process very easy… Otherwise...

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Setting up the xsTech router

What do you need to know to start throwing chips with Tormach’s new xsTECH router? How to start up & shut down the machine How to install and change tools How to locate the part on the table in X, & Y How to find the end of a tool (Z axis) How to load and run code This 18...

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Basic Part Creation Using Autodesk Fusion 360

Download the Worksheet Download Hand-In Student Notes: Download the Worksheet, dimension the parts using the given scale, then make them in your 3D modeling software! Here is a project to help you and your students get acquainted with Autodesk Fusion 360. There are eleven parts to make, and...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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