PLTW Moves To Indiana

PLTW Moves To Indiana


Well, in the past,  NYS governement has driven manufacturing out of the state, and now they are working on driving education out as well. Where does that leave CIM?

NYS school budgets are being cut severely over the past five years, and apparently, it’s taking a toll at a much higher level than in the classroom. Today it was announced that Project Lead The Way headquarters are being moved to Indianapolis.

Are you a CTE or Technology teacher in New York State?  The writing is on the wall.  Hey Jim: Any jobs in Indiana? I’ll be packing….

We need to offer a new class amidst all the cuts in Education in NYS: “Want Fries With That?” 101…

Obviously this is great news for Indiana, and more of the same for New York. Notice how all of the articles below are from Indiana? They want to spread the word. This morning when I first heard the news, I googled it, and the first three pages were ALL from Indiana. Not a peep from Albany… or Clifton Park…

See the attached articles below. these were the first three hits from google at about noon today. when you google PLTW leaves New York, all you get are articles about fall foliage. Which is nice by the way. Why don’t you come check it out. NY could use the income. Hey! Want fries with that?!?

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