EDD Class & High Altitude Balloons

EDD Class & High Altitude Balloons

on Wednesday, 01 October 2014.


very-basic-link-iconLinks to all media pertaining to this project can be found at the bottom of this article!

FlightPath In the fall of 2013, three classes of high school students, over 100 miles apart,embarked on a project to go into space, get high definition video and scientific data, and bring it back to the classrooms safely. With a lot of design and engineering, and the help of many people, they were very successful. See all of the photos, videos, data and information at the links below.

Cazenovia’s Team Video 

Pittsford Mendon’s team video 


The classes were Scott Banister’s EDD class from Pittsford Mendon High School, and my class from Cazenovia High School. Scott and I have been teaching Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in the summer for the past twelve years, so it was a really easy fit.

The students spent 10 weeks designing, building, and learning the math/science/technology necessary to make it happen, came up with a plan, and then in the Spring of 2014, they launched their balloons from Pittsford-Mendon High School. Three balloons were launched to altitudes between 80,000, and 105,000 feet, and the views and the data were spectacular.



Balloon popping at 105,000 feet. notice the hazy cloud of helium released as it pops.


A lot of math was necessary to successfully launch and recover the balloons. Here the balloons diameter was calculated so that they knew when it was full!

PDF High Altitude Balloon FAQ PDFHAB Launch Powerpoint
PDF  HABing: The Basics very-basic-link-iconP_M Photos From Launch Day 2103
very-basic-link-iconChrisHurdCIM’s Youtube Channel very-basic-link-iconCaz Photos From Launch Day
PDFHam Radio Newsletter Article: Page 5 very-basic-link-icon
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