I just ordered 10 Dobot Magicians for my classroom. Do you have any ideas for a good way to store them?
Well, one way to do it inexpensively is to store them in rolling toolboxes. This way two robots, and all of their accessories can be kept together, and rolled about the room. They also stack on top of one another, and can be stored in a store room at the end of the period.
The ones shown here are inexpensive… $150.00 out the door at your local Home Depot, but you could get all “Bougie” too and get some of the more expensive ones like DeWalt, Milwaukee, ect… you’ll just have to waste more of your budget, but boy, will you look cool!
Two robots, and their cables fit in the bottom, and all of their larger accessories fit in the middle one. Things like the laser, the 3d printer, and anything your kids might build like a parts feeder! (See the new curriculum page 312 for the download link!) The top one can be used to store tools and small parts, and the add-on 2 drawer module is awesome for the sensor kits.
As of this writing, links and prices are below!