CIM-A-Palooza 2017

CIM-A-Palooza 2017


Welcome to Cazenovia High School for CAP 2017. Thirty CIM teachers from across this great state getting together to share their expertise and their passion in Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

The goal of CIM-A-Palooza is to walk away with a better understanding of what kind of high-tech manufacturing takes place locally (Tour of Marquardt), and a high interest, low cost project to share with your students in your classroom. This project will utilize CNC machines, laser cutters and other manufacturing techniques including  finishing, cutting, sanding, soldering, and assembly.

CAP 2017

Special thanks to Marquardt Switches and SME Chapter 19 & Jim Maniccia for all they have done to make this a great opportunity for all of us.

reddownload2017 CAP LED Sign Project Files

reddownloadProcess Flow Chart-EXEMPLAR

reddownloadProcess Flow Chart-EXEMPLAR

The download above is a zip folder that includes the following documents:



Feel free to utilize these in your classroom. The word docs have been provided so you can modify to your heart’s content. Please share.

…and if you need another reason why we are doing this watch this video:

[youtube_sc url=”” width=”800″]




Chris and Jim CIM
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