Blog Posts

Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Well, here it is, summertime, and we are getting ready to update the website. This whole website, and all of its content have been free of charge, because we feel strongly that teaching kids how to make stuff is vitally important to our economy, and we are passionate about bringing this content to you and […]
Unilever Nano Factory

Unilever Nano Factory

(CNN)When you think of a factory, you might imagine a giant facility with huge chimneys belching steam. But consumer goods giant Unilever has developed a fully functioning production line inside a shipping container. The company has over 300 factories in 69 countries, but this is its first experiment with what it calls a “nano” or […]
Adding Math and Science to your sTEm Project

Adding Math and Science to your sTEm Project

welcome NYSMTP! The STEM based projects & activities below can be found on this website. These activities are ones that can be done in a classroom, and may actually be applicable without the lean towards manufacturing. However, feel free to brows through and see what can be done if you want to work it into […]
Arduino Control Systems-Block Coding

Arduino Control Systems-Block Coding

What is an Arduino / microcontroller? An Arduino is a microcontroller, which is a computer system on a chip that does a job. It contains an integrated processor, a small amount of memory, and programmable input/output devices, which are used to interact with things connected to the chip. Microcontrollers can be program devices to sense […]
Injection Molding Plastic Parts

Injection Molding Plastic Parts

Question: How are intricate plastic parts made? Answer: There are many ways to make plastic parts, but the only way to mass-produce quality parts is by injection molding. At first it may seem like this is a simple process, but in fact it is not — designing the case and all the tooling is not much […]
Autonomous Warehouse Robot with 3D Movement

Autonomous Warehouse Robot with 3D Movement

SqUID is the first autonomous warehouse robot with 3-dimensional movement capabilities mounted directly on a standard pallet rack, SqUID can pick from any location, no matter what height. We thought this deserved a SPOTLIGHT! Invented by startup BionicHIVE, it is supposedly plug and play with any existing warehouse. Read more:
Asimov's Laws of Robotics Getting a Rewrite?

Asimov's Laws of Robotics Getting a Rewrite?

Remember the laws of robotics from the movie I Robot? This was actually a book long before that, remember those? What you might not know is that Isaac Asimov, the famed science fiction writer, wrote science text books as well. No wonder a lot of his fiction is steeped in believable science! Look up his […]
Should I use Dobots?

Should I use Dobots?

So which robots should I use in my classroom? Dobots? Lynxmotion? Rotrics? Fanuc? Great question! Jim and I use Dobot’s exclusively in our classrooms for many reasons. One of which is because we wrote the curriculum for them: Teach and Playback and Blockly. Below we have come up with some justification for their use in […]
Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Tormach Post for Fusion 360

Question: I want to use Fusion 360 and post it to a Tormach machine. How do I do it? Answer: Well, all new versions of Fusion 360 should already come with the post processor installed, but if you have an older version, you can go to Tormach’s website and download any post that you want […]

Chris & Jim CIM

Welcome to Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you utilize the resources here, you will see how Science, Technology, Engineering & Math can be brought to life for your students, and possibly spark the interests of the next generation of manufacturers and makers...



Chris and Jim CIM
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