Author: Chris Hurd

Make a Ring Pop in 3D!

Ring Pops were invented in the late 1970s by a man named Frank Richards who was a product engineer at the Topps Company. He wanted to help his daughter in breaking her thumb-sucking habit, so he invented the Ring Pop as a treat to eliminate her childish addiction. ( Wilson, Laurnie. “A...

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Schoology How-To’s

Below is a Playlist of how-to’s when using Schoology to hand stuff in. Answers to the following questions are address and more! Need to upload a picture/video?Use a Word or Excel Document?Use google drive to upload stuff?How to use a discussion to answer a question?Use the create tab to...

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Need Some Distance Learning Ideas for COVID-19?

Now that more kids are attending an online high school, they will have more spare time in their hands. Here’s a short list of some of the things that you could do in CIM class with your kiddos while trying out distance learning. All will require a computer (That’s what the C in “CIM”...

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Advanced CAD Modeling & Mfg Math Activity

Worksheet with DimensionsElectronic Hand-in Document In this activity, students can download the worksheet with the dimensions and directions, and use them to build the METRIC models in your favorite 3D modeling software. NOTE: Worksheet with Dimensions Drawings updated 4/30/2020… Thanks...

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How to hold material in the xsTECH

What’s the best way to hold _____________ in my xsTECH router? From strap clamps to double sided tape, we have it all! Learn how to hold everything including circuit boards, flat stock, and blocks in this video. Can you believe that you can use strap clamps, sticky tape, and all kinds...

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Will a vice fit in an xsTECH?

Answer: That’s a fair question. When trying to come up with an aswer though, you’ll have to do a bit of research, as it will depend on what you’re machining. Also, there are many different one’s out there. Luckily Jim did some research for us… maybe this video...

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3D Printing: Ears to Fuel Tanks

Great video Mr. Phan found on the internet that describes the future of 3D printing. Big take away is that dreams are becoming reality and maybe Additive Manufacturing is the next Industrial Revolution. 3D-printing innovations in recent years have brought a sea change in the fabrication of...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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