Author: Chris Hurd

Mass STEM Hub – What is CIM?

If you have any questions about this presentation or any of the relevant material on this website, please feel free to contact me at any time at . Thanks for attending! Workshop #1: What is CIM?, and Why It’ll Probably Be Your Student’s Favorite Class!  Mass...

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Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Well, here it is, summertime, and we are getting ready to update the website. This whole website, and all of its content have been free of charge, because we feel strongly that teaching kids how to make stuff is vitally important to our economy, and we are passionate about bringing this content to...

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Unilever Nano Factory

(CNN)When you think of a factory, you might imagine a giant facility with huge chimneys belching steam. But consumer goods giant Unilever has developed a fully functioning production line inside a shipping container. The company has over 300 factories in 69 countries, but this is its first experiment...

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Intro to Onshape – MASS STEM Hub

Hey there! Hope you can make it to the training on Onshape basics! In this training we will be going over Lesson 1.5.2: Sketches, Extrusions & Revolutions. In case you missed, or you would just like some more support, here is a slew of video tutorials to help you out! In the video below,...

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Reading Drawings

Question: How do I read a drawing to make the parts for the bucket loader project? Answer: It’s a great skill to have if you are working on building stuff from a drawing for any project. Here’s a quick tutorial!

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Welcome Mass Teachers & Mass STEM Hub!

So looking forward to discussing manufacturing with teachers from MA tonight about how to teach Computer Aided Manufacturing in today’s educational setting. Like manufacturing, the face of education is changing rapidly. Thank you to MassSTEMhub for supporting CIM teachers throughout the great...

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The History and Future of Manufacturing

What better way to learn about history… with an old video about even older technology and innovators in manufacturing. Start with the first video about the history of manufacturing, then watch the second video that talks about “Rethinking” manufacturing, and think about where we...

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Onshape Mass Properties

Question: I am using OnShape this year, and I would like to know if you can find the mass properties of a part, and make them out of different materials like you can in Autodesk products? That would be very helpful! Answer: Of course you can, and it is very helpful indeed. It’s a great...

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Manufacturing Myths

There are many myths about manufacturing held by high school students and adults alike across the US, and right here at home in our high schools. How can high school students make choices about careers in manufacturing if they don’t even know what it is? Here are some of the myths your students...

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