Manufacturing Myths

Manufacturing Myths

There are many myths about manufacturing held by high school students and adults alike across the US, and right here at home in our high schools. How can high school students make choices about careers in manufacturing if they don’t even know what it is? Here are some of the myths your students hold about manufacturing:

  • Manufacturing is a dark and dirty environment
  • Manufacturing jobs are low skill and boring
  • Robots are taking all of the manufacturing jobs anyway
  • Manufacturing is a poor career choice

Marquardt Switches is a manufacturer right up the street from our high school, and they have work with our CTE department for many years. Our business teacher, Christina New, (NYS Business Teacher of the Year, btw… ) started a school to work program with them this year. This video that dispels the myths of modern manufacturing is a collaboration between our CTE department and their amazing company. Thanks Marquardt! We couldn’t have said it better!




Chris and Jim CIM
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