Tag: mfg

Manufacturing Myths

There are many myths about manufacturing held by high school students and adults alike across the US, and right here at home in our high schools. How can high school students make choices about careers in manufacturing if they don’t even know what it is? Here are some of the myths your students...

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Advanced CAD Modeling & Mfg Math Activity

Worksheet with DimensionsElectronic Hand-in Document In this activity, students can download the worksheet with the dimensions and directions, and use them to build the METRIC models in your favorite 3D modeling software. NOTE: Worksheet with Dimensions Drawings updated 4/30/2020… Thanks...

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Question: Having students write a paper or do a ppt project for manufacturing processes is boring! Do you have a better idea? DOWNLOAD: 2017-mfg-research-project Solution: Sure do! How about a manufacturing process brochure? This way students have to do a bit of research, (1 to 2 days) on...

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01 T&P Robot Axis & Movement

Download Activity Download Blank Field Template Jointed arm robots are useful for many different tasks because of its range of motion and degrees of freedom. In this activity you will learn how to move a robotic arm in many different ways and write a program to make the robot write the word...

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Robots vs. Humans: Are Robots Killing Tesla?

Robots vs. Humans; an age old dilemma in mfg. Are you taking CIM? Where do you stand? The robot in this photo is very similar to the one we have in class. The robots are killing Tesla. In a rare win for humans over robots in the battle for labor efficiency, Wall Street analysts have laid down a compelling...

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How do you use outputs on a Dobot Magician?

Question: How do you use outputs on a Dobot Magician to do something? Answer: How about a grinding operation? See below for the basics. A full blown tutorial will be coming soon! A Grinding Operation with the Dobot and a  Continuous Rotation Servo This robot is the smoothest, speediest, most accurate...

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CIM Material Processes

Your students really need to know how things are made in industry, so below are some resources to help you get started with the learning process. My students became an “expert” in one particular field, picked a topic, and made a brochure about a specific manufacturing process....

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Chris and Jim CIM
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