Manufacturing in Victoria BC: Straitline Components

A_Tombstone_SmallBack in 2014 PLTW sent me to Victoria, British Columbia to be an “Educational Consultant” to a production company that was making videos on how things were made in a high tech bike parts manufacturing facility. the name of the company is Straitline, and they were gracious enough to allow me to take video of some of the processes in their facility.  Below are three of them.

It was a trip I will never forget!  Thanks Straitline! Be sure to see the Blog Post thanking them HERE.


1. Machining Center

[youtube_sc url=”” width=”800″]

2. Bar Feeder Demo

[youtube_sc url=”” width=”800″]

3. Broaching

[youtube_sc url=”” width=”800″]



BC, british, columbia, demo, manufacturing, mfg, straitline, victoria

Chris and Jim CIM
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