Tag: hurd

OnShape Revolve Tool- Basic to Advanced

Real World Shapes Activity Basic Revolve ActivityComplex Revolve Activity Introduction: Sometimes it’s hard to get started with a basic tool in 3D modeling because it seems daunting. Here’s a great way to get started with the revolve tool and then move right into it’s more...

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Basic Part Creation Using Autodesk Fusion 360

Download the Worksheet Download Hand-In Student Notes: Download the Worksheet, dimension the parts using the given scale, then make them in your 3D modeling software! Here is a project to help you and your students get acquainted with Autodesk Fusion 360. There are eleven parts to make, and...

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Train Project Assembly Video

Students in my DDP class really wanted a video tutorial for the train project for assembly with the insert constraint; and I needed a reason to tune my new microphone… so here it is! This is an update from the one done in 2015… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZrNAhv3Gxg

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01 T&P Robot Axis & Movement

Download Activity Download Blank Field Template Jointed arm robots are useful for many different tasks because of its range of motion and degrees of freedom. In this activity you will learn how to move a robotic arm in many different ways and write a program to make the robot write the word...

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06 Presentation-Dobot Blockly Hardware Connections

Download This presentation is meant to be an introduction to all of the different devices that can be interfaced with the Dobot Magician in terms of hardware. Both Jim and I suggest using this in the classroom as a student resource, rather than a presentation that you go over slide by slide;...

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14 Blockly-Curriculum

Download it! Introduction: This curriculum was designed to teach high school and college level students the basics of robotics, as used in industry, using the Dobot Magician, DobotStudio software, and the blockly programming language. Through these activities, you will also be able to make the...

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11 Blockly-Workcell Design

Download it! A robotic workcell is defined as the complete environment around a robot. This environment may include tools, machines and/or other robots.In this activity you will use a robot and a microcontroller system to recreate a workcell. Your workcell will incorporate all of the devices...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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