Tag: 3d

Autonomous Warehouse Robot with 3D Movement

SqUID is the first autonomous warehouse robot with 3-dimensional movement capabilities mounted directly on a standard pallet rack, SqUID can pick from any location, no matter what height. We thought this deserved a SPOTLIGHT! Invented by startup BionicHIVE, it is supposedly plug and play with...

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Intro to Onshape – MASS STEM Hub

Hey there! Hope you can make it to the training on Onshape basics! In this training we will be going over Lesson 1.5.2: Sketches, Extrusions & Revolutions. In case you missed, or you would just like some more support, here is a slew of video tutorials to help you out! In the video below,...

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Onshape Solutions

These videos are best digested when you have not a clue what OnShape is or how it works. They are answers to the questions most often asked by students and teachers when the first open on shape. We would suggest watching them in order, if you have the time, but most of you won’t, and that’s...

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Advanced CAD Modeling & Mfg Math Activity

Worksheet with DimensionsElectronic Hand-in Document In this activity, students can download the worksheet with the dimensions and directions, and use them to build the METRIC models in your favorite 3D modeling software. NOTE: Worksheet with Dimensions Drawings updated 4/30/2020… Thanks...

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3D Printing: Ears to Fuel Tanks

Great video Mr. Phan found on the internet that describes the future of 3D printing. Big take away is that dreams are becoming reality and maybe Additive Manufacturing is the next Industrial Revolution. 3D-printing innovations in recent years have brought a sea change in the fabrication of...

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Where do you get the Dobot handshaking wires?

Question: I’m teaching CIM for the first time in a few years and am a bit rusty. I’m getting ready to start using the Dobots. I don’t remember this 4 wire piece that goes into the breadboard. I know I have a lot of 3 pronged ones from vex. Do you know what it’s called and where I can get one?...

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Model Train Tutorials

So you’re having a hard time making all those train parts? Watch the tutorials below to see how Jim does them. I find some of the methods he uses makes it easier to understand, especially with the cow catcher. He also uses different techniques, so you may actually end up learning something....

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Factory simulations from UK show off automation

Doesn’t get much better than this!  18 teachers from around the country gathered at the University of Kentucky to learn about CIM for two weeks. They spent two days showing off what they learned by making a factory simulation. The class was broken up into two teams, and both successfully completed...

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