EdgeCAM STILL Won't load an Inventor file?

EdgeCAM STILL Won't load an Inventor file?


So, Happy New Year… and EdgeCAM still won’t import an Inventor part file? Special shout out to Ronnie Judd, or resident IT guy with a Masters in Voodoo Computerology. I swear. I saw it on the internet….

So anyway, Ronnie figured out how to make it work. In our school, on our computers in our lab with our students. Your mileage may vary. With that being said, here goes:

If this error is reported when a student tries to import an Inventor part file try the following:

* Log into the workstation with an administrator account.

* Make sure CLS is configured with the network license server name and all licesnses are reserved, especially EdgeCAM Solid Machinist for Education.

* Make sure the EdgeCAM toolstore is configured correctly.

* Open and close EdgeCAM.

* Logout of the administrator account on the workstation.

* Login to the workstation with a student account.

* Open Autodesk Inventor. Open and save a part file that will be used in EdgeCAM.

* Close Inventor.

* Make sure CLS is configured with the network license server name and all licesnses are reserved, especially EdgeCAM Solid Machinist for Education.

* Make sure the EdgeCAM toolstore is configured correctly.

* Open EdgeCAM

* Open the Inventor file you just saved.

Why does this work? Dunno. Don’t care. Sprinkle some fairy dust in the cupholder too if you want. I hear that will make the unicorns that spin the hard drive happy…




Chris and Jim CIM
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