Test for Downloads

Demo Slider Center [widgetkit id=508] Demo Wall Spotlight [widgetkit id=505] Demo Wall Zoom [widgetkit id=504] Demo Tabs Bar [widgetkit id=532] Demo Showcase box [widgetkit id=533] Demo Showcase Buttons [widgetkit id=534] Activities 1-3 [widgetkit id=3846] Activities 4-6 [widgetkit id=3848]

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Dobot Blockly Curriculum Downloads

Introduction goes here. When you click on the titles or the pictures below you will get the document download as a PDF. Activities 1-Blockly: Pick & Place 2-Blockly: Pick and Place with Jumps and Loops 3-Blockly: Pick & Place with Inputs 4-Blockly...

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VEX Startup and Troubleshooting Guide

Question: The VEX hardware and software never seem to work well together in my classroom, do you have any troubleshooting hints to make it all work? Solution: Thank Jim for this… He pulled together many resources into one right here. From start up to connecting, to flinging across a football...

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Make Inventor Load Faster

Question: My Inventor loads slow! How can I speed it up? Solution: One way to do it, and this works especially well on older computers or ones with low end graphics, is to turn off Add-ins. Most of these are not necessary when you do most things in Inventor, so you can have Inventor start with them...

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Dipping with the Dobot Magician

Pick and place and moving things around are staples of industrial robots.  Another reason to use robots in industry and automation is because of danger to humans. Robots can work in environments that are adverse to humans; especially toxic and/or adverse environments. Sometimes the best way to pick...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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