Dobot to Dobot Handshake!

We did it! We made a dobot magician talk to another one and make it start. We even added a VEX switch as an input to start the first one. It is easy to do, but one word of caution: Never connect or disconnect any wires to the dobot while it is powered on; always power it down first. Damage may result! Ok,...

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Dobot Magician Start Up Procedure

Question: What’s the proper way to actually get my Dobot Magician to connect to my computer?  What software is required? Is it expensive?   Solution: Number one, the software is free and it is called Dobot Studio. I am told it always will be, and it is updated regularly. You can install...

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How do you use outputs on a Dobot Magician?

Question: How do you use outputs on a Dobot Magician to do something? Answer: How about a grinding operation? See below for the basics. A full blown tutorial will be coming soon! A Grinding Operation with the Dobot and a  Continuous Rotation Servo This robot is the smoothest, speediest, most accurate...

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How Accurate is the Dobot Magician?

Question: Just how accurate is the Dobot Magician? Answer: Short answer: very accurate. To 0.007″ to be exact. Verified by an independent study student of mine using statistical analysis. In May of 2017  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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