Blog Posts

The First Jobs Robots Will Take Over

The First Jobs Robots Will Take Over

So, you’re worried about robots taking over the world???  Maybe not yet. But according to this article on Link’d In, you may have to worry about them taking your job! According to Shelly Palmer, CEO at the Palmer Group, These are the first five jobs to go. You can read the full article HERE. [youtube_sc url=”” […]
Injection Molding

Injection Molding

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Family Times in CNY: STEM Education

Family Times in CNY: STEM Education

Complete article as it appears in the Family Times of CNY can be found here: On a warm morning in mid-June, as the final hours of the school year were winding down at Cazenovia High School, engineering and technology instructor Chris Hurd was putting the finishing touches on his 27th year with the district. […]
What is Engineering?

What is Engineering?

What is Engineering? Here’s a brief synopsis in a 2 minute video from MIT And one about different types of engineers from Youtube: [youtube_sc url=”” width=”850″]
CalPoly Pomona: Factory Smackdown!

CalPoly Pomona: Factory Smackdown!

The new CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) teachers at CalPoly Pomona’s CTI successfully completed another “Factory Smackdown”.  See the videos below! Concierge Factory: In our factory cell an AGV stops at each of four stations, where a signal is sent to a robotic arm. The arm picks up a product, places it into the package, then […]
Feetech Servo on the Lynxmotion AL5D Arm

Feetech Servo on the Lynxmotion AL5D Arm

Question: My new Lynxmotion AL5D robot arm from RobotShop came with a new servo called a Feetech. How come my arm works backwards now? Answer: Well…. because the servo may be installed backwards. I know, you looked at the picture on the directions, but the first one may be wrong. When they switched servos, from […]
What's the Container Project?

What's the Container Project?

What’s the container project you ask? It’s a project done in CIM class that teaches many different facets of CIM including: G & M Code, 3D Modelling, Manual machine operations, CNC machining, Secondary processing, Tolerances, Documentation, Mass Production techniques, Assembly operations, Order of operations, Costs of materials, Speeds & feeds…. Just to name a few… […]
Factory simulations from UK show off automation

Factory simulations from UK show off automation

Doesn’t get much better than this!  18 teachers from around the country gathered at the University of Kentucky to learn about CIM for two weeks. They spent two days showing off what they learned by making a factory simulation. The class was broken up into two teams, and both successfully completed their tasks. The rules […]
CIM class at UK gets visitors

CIM class at UK gets visitors

Scott Tobias and I are teaching at the University of Kentucky for two weeks, and our charge is this: Train 18 teachers from around the country to teach our nations high school students Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (The best PLTW Engineering course by far btw….) Every year we get visitors from administrators, teachers, and others from […]

Chris & Jim CIM

Welcome to Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you utilize the resources here, you will see how Science, Technology, Engineering & Math can be brought to life for your students, and possibly spark the interests of the next generation of manufacturers and makers...



Chris and Jim CIM
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