Tag: Set

Shapeoko-Install CarbideMotion

Question: How do I Install CarbideMotion? Do I need it? How does it work? Answer: CarbideMotion is the control software by Carbide 3D that controls the Shapeoko CNC Routers. click on the picture below and it will take you to Carbide 3D’s website that takes you through an overview of...

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Setting up the xsTech router

What do you need to know to start throwing chips with Tormach’s new xsTECH router? How to start up & shut down the machine How to install and change tools How to locate the part on the table in X, & Y How to find the end of a tool (Z axis) How to load and run code This 18...

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Changing Home On A Dobot Magician

Question: The Home position on my dobot Magician makes the robot hit the table. Is there an easy way to change what the robot calls the home position? Answer: Of course you can! Here is how. Go to Teach and Playback and physically move the Dobot Magician arm where you want the new home position to...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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