Tag: robot

V3.1 Dobot Magician Curriculum Done!

Jim and I have been working on the new curriculum for the Dobot Magician robot, and we must say, it came out great! In writing the Magician Lite curriculum, we actually went back and made some awesome changes, and that’s why this is V3.1.There are activities for Teach &...

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Autonomous Warehouse Robot with 3D Movement

SqUID is the first autonomous warehouse robot with 3-dimensional movement capabilities mounted directly on a standard pallet rack, SqUID can pick from any location, no matter what height. We thought this deserved a SPOTLIGHT! Invented by startup BionicHIVE, it is supposedly plug and play with...

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Asimov’s Laws of Robotics Getting a Rewrite?

Remember the laws of robotics from the movie I Robot? This was actually a book long before that, remember those? What you might not know is that Isaac Asimov, the famed science fiction writer, wrote science text books as well. No wonder a lot of his fiction is steeped in believable science! Look...

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01 T&P Robot Axis & Movement

Download Activity Download Blank Field Template Jointed arm robots are useful for many different tasks because of its range of motion and degrees of freedom. In this activity you will learn how to move a robotic arm in many different ways and write a program to make the robot write the word...

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06 Presentation-Dobot Blockly Hardware Connections

Download This presentation is meant to be an introduction to all of the different devices that can be interfaced with the Dobot Magician in terms of hardware. Both Jim and I suggest using this in the classroom as a student resource, rather than a presentation that you go over slide by slide;...

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14 Blockly-Curriculum

Download it! Introduction: This curriculum was designed to teach high school and college level students the basics of robotics, as used in industry, using the Dobot Magician, DobotStudio software, and the blockly programming language. Through these activities, you will also be able to make the...

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11 Blockly-Workcell Design

Download it! A robotic workcell is defined as the complete environment around a robot. This environment may include tools, machines and/or other robots.In this activity you will use a robot and a microcontroller system to recreate a workcell. Your workcell will incorporate all of the devices...

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10 Blockly-Handshaking Dobot to VEX

Download Often robotic arms need to communicate with other devices or controllers in a work cell, or factory. This is called HANDSHAKING and can be done between different machines, devices and robots. It is a very simple form of communication and is done with simple ones and zeros; or “ons” and...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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