Tag: property

Onshape Mass Properties

Question: I am using OnShape this year, and I would like to know if you can find the mass properties of a part, and make them out of different materials like you can in Autodesk products? That would be very helpful! Answer: Of course you can, and it is very helpful indeed. It’s a great...

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Mass Property Analysis in Onshape

Download the WorksheetDownload the E-Hand In You can tell a lot about a part when you make it in 3D modeling software. If you tell the software what the part is made of, you can find out all of it’s properties like weight, mass, density, and volume. When you look at this information...

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Injection Molding: Marvel of Modern Engineering

Jim Found this one, and it is a GEM!  A video about a plastic ball valve. Really? This is a marvel of engineering? Ummm… actually… yes. Jim and I both think so, and since it’s on the internet it must be true. This is a great 15 minute video with some wry humor thrown in that explains...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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