Tag: project

The Big Move

on Tuesday, 24 March 2015. MARQUARDT CELL MAKES IT TO THE CLASS ROOM… IN PIECES…. Students in the EDD class have spent the last 3 weeks planning, labelling, and dismantling the Cell donated by Marquardt. Today, March 23rd, 2015, all of the parts were brought up to room 231. Tags:  ...

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Autodesk Inventor 2014 : Basic Tools

Autodesk Inventor is a CAD/CAM package that is used in industry to design, model, and then manufacture all kinds of parts. We use this in all PLTW Engineering courses, and we have put together some of the basic tutorials for you all in this one page. This tutorial uses Inventor 2014; remember: PLTW...

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PhoneAmp Prototype Done!

on Saturday, 22 November 2014. STUDENTS BEGIN PRODUCTION THIS WEEK! Students researched, designed, and built a prototype for a class mass production project: an MP3/Phone Passive Amplifier. It works amazingly well, and looks great too! Obviously it is blue and gold to match Caz colors, and students...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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