Tag: input

Introduction to RobotC and VEX Inputs & Outputs

When you think about it, in manufacturing, controlling things is necessary to perform very complex tasks to manufacture items to tolerances finer than a human hair. Think about all of the systems that have to be controlled in a single work cell in a factory… then multiply it by 10’s or 100’s of cells....

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03 Blockly-Pick & Place with Inputs

Download Often it is necessary for a robotic arm to wait for another machine or process to finish before moving with its program.  This can be done by adding the ability for a robot to read input values. In this activity you will learn how to add an input to a basic Pick and Place...

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DobotStudio: The Basics

Question: How do I get started with DobotStudio? There really isn’t much info out there yet on how to use my Dobot Magician Robotic Arm. Solution: Well, first off, here’s just the tip of the iceberg…. more to be added as I figure stuff out. This robot can be taught and record points...

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Dipping with the Dobot Magician

Pick and place and moving things around are staples of industrial robots.  Another reason to use robots in industry and automation is because of danger to humans. Robots can work in environments that are adverse to humans; especially toxic and/or adverse environments. Sometimes the best way to pick...

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Dobot to Dobot Handshake!

We did it! We made a dobot magician talk to another one and make it start. We even added a VEX switch as an input to start the first one. It is easy to do, but one word of caution: Never connect or disconnect any wires to the dobot while it is powered on; always power it down first. Damage may result! Ok,...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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