Tag: hub

Mass STEM Hub – Reverse Engineering

If you have any questions about this presentation or any of the relevant material on this website, please feel free to contact me at any time at chris.hurd@chrisandjimcim.com . Thanks for attending! Reverse Engineering: Step by Step (100 minutes) (Teachers should have a laptop with a working...

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Mass STEM Hub – What is CIM?

If you have any questions about this presentation or any of the relevant material on this website, please feel free to contact me at any time at chris.hurd@chrisandjimcim.com . Thanks for attending! Workshop #1: What is CIM?, and Why It’ll Probably Be Your Student’s Favorite Class!  Mass...

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Intro to Onshape – MASS STEM Hub

Hey there! Hope you can make it to the training on Onshape basics! In this training we will be going over Lesson 1.5.2: Sketches, Extrusions & Revolutions. In case you missed, or you would just like some more support, here is a slew of video tutorials to help you out! In the video below,...

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Welcome Mass Teachers & Mass STEM Hub!

So looking forward to discussing manufacturing with teachers from MA tonight about how to teach Computer Aided Manufacturing in today’s educational setting. Like manufacturing, the face of education is changing rapidly. Thank you to MassSTEMhub for supporting CIM teachers throughout the great...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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