Tag: dobot

Can You Duplicate Points In DobotStudio?

Question: Can you duplicate points in DobotStudio so I don’t have to record so many points for a complicated motion? Answer: Of course you can! It’s as easy as copy and paste. It makes your movements much more accurate too!  1,085 total views

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Dobot to Dobot Handshake!

We did it! We made a dobot magician talk to another one and make it start. We even added a VEX switch as an input to start the first one. It is easy to do, but one word of caution: Never connect or disconnect any wires to the dobot while it is powered on; always power it down first. Damage may result! Ok,...

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Dobot Magician Start Up Procedure

Question: What’s the proper way to actually get my Dobot Magician to connect to my computer?  What software is required? Is it expensive?   Solution: Number one, the software is free and it is called Dobot Studio. I am told it always will be, and it is updated regularly. You can install...

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Dobot Workcell: Conveyor & Slide Base

Just received my slidebase and conveyor that I ordered from InPosition  and just finished setting it up. Stay tuned for the programming video that will be coming shortly! To get a discount and free shipping go here for more info: http://chrisandjimcim.com/how-do-i-get-a-discount-and-free-shipping-on-a-dobot-magician/   ...

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How do I buy a Dobot Magician?

Great question! Luckily the answer is, as always, “It’s easy!” I just purchased eight of them for my CIM class after testing them for the better part of the last six months. I feel that they are so much more accurate and durable than anything else I have used in my classroom to...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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