Tag: digital

Control Systems: 8 Bit Computer

What a great way to allow a student to go above and beyond by building an example 8 bit cpu from a bunch of arduinos and other Digital Electronics class parts! This was a project i first found on Hackaday, and posted it here so that I could have an independent study student complete it as a project....

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How Does PWM Work?

Question: What is PWM, and how does it work to control a motor or any other output? Answer: PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation and allows you to easily control an output in a digital system. Some things that you can control with it might be the speed of a DC motor, or the brightness...

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Introduction to RobotC and VEX Inputs & Outputs

When you think about it, in manufacturing, controlling things is necessary to perform very complex tasks to manufacture items to tolerances finer than a human hair. Think about all of the systems that have to be controlled in a single work cell in a factory… then multiply it by 10’s or 100’s of cells....

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The VEX Testbed is boring….

Question: The VEX Testbed is boring; do you know of another way to make learning RobotC programming more appealing to high school students? Answer: Well, in my classroom we build clawbots, then add all of the sensors to them. we then get to program the sensors on a real, mobile robot!  Kids love it...

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Question: How do I know what all the values are of all the different sensors? It can be overwhelming! This post is ARCHIVED, meaning links may or may not work, and it may not scale well on a mobile device as it was written a while ago. Solution: Lucky for us, our friend Dan Keith from Williamston...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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