Tag: cnc

SME: Basic Manufacturing Processes

SME (the Society of Manufacturing Engineers) has a great playlist of Youtube videos that outlines many basic manufacturing processes, and they are all right here for you. Most of the videos are from two to five minutes in length, and get the main points of those processes across to students in an...

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A CNC machine for $4000? Really?

Thanks Ryan Dennes!  He sent me an email outlining a new CNC machine that will cut everything up to and including aluminum, for only $4000. The post for it is already baked right into HSM too, so you should be able to send code for it right out of Inventor! It’s called the Pocket NC. I am NOT...

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CNC Vocabulary For HSM

Question: Since I switched from EdgeCAM to HSM, the vocabulary is a little different. Do you have any Key Terms that you use in your classroom that you wouldn’t mind sharing? Answer: Of course not! The terminology is a little bit different when you switch from EdgeCAM to HSM, but the concepts...

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How do I use an edge finder?

Tired of using the I.L.A.R method of finding the corner of your stock (It Looks About Right…). Then here’s the video for you! This video was made by Tormach, and it shows you how to utilize two different types of edge finders. Thanks Tormach! [youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0od-cp_9dg”...

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Making the Physical Container on the CNC Mill

Sometimes you just have to see it to understand it. I know because I am a visual learner. So here it is: How to make the container from start to finish….. Physically speaking! From a block of Renshape to final product. No code  or 3D modelling at all! If your looking for the Inventor tutorials...

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How many teeth or flutes for my CNC tools?

QUESTION: Does it matter how many teeth or flutes my end mills have? ANSWER: Actually it does. A good rule of thumb for the beginner: the harder the material, the more teeth!  What’s the difference between teeth and flutes? Teeth do the cutting, flutes bring the cut material away from the part....

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What kind of tools should I use?

Question: I know nothing about tools for CNC machines.  What kind are there, and what can I use them for? Answer: There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to CNC machines, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom....

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The Basics: Tooling For CNC Machines

There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to cnc machining equipment, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom. There are complete courses on these topics, but this should get you started First of all, We...

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Question: Every time I verify my code in CNCMotion, a little snipe appears as if the tool is ramping into the part. It doesn’t do this when I run the program… What’s up? Answer: Well that’s an easy fix! Watch below! [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/fVmZqy2wtGA”...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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