Tag: base

CNC Container Process 2018

Question: I don’t understand how to make the CNC container project… can you elaborate? Solution: There are lots of ways to do it, and a search of this site will give you many, but the steps outlined below is the easiest way to get started. want this is a PDF? Click HERE.

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Dobot Workcell: Conveyor & Slide Base

Just received my slidebase and conveyor that I ordered from InPosition  and just finished setting it up. Stay tuned for the programming video that will be coming shortly! To get a discount and free shipping go here for more info: http://chrisandjimcim.com/how-do-i-get-a-discount-and-free-shipping-on-a-dobot-magician/   ...

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Making the Physical Container on the CNC Mill

Sometimes you just have to see it to understand it. I know because I am a visual learner. So here it is: How to make the container from start to finish….. Physically speaking! From a block of Renshape to final product. No code  or 3D modelling at all! If your looking for the Inventor tutorials...

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Project Idea: USB Powered LED Sign

All files for this project are attached in a zip file at the link below. These files include: All inventor part files: tweak to your heart’s content DWG Files to check tolerances STL  files for a 3D Printer Laser files for the cover & Sign Various pictures to help with assembly USB LED...

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Making a Container in Inventor

Step by step, how do you make a container in Inventor? These four videos show you how! Be sure to download the PDF “Cheat Sheets” that go with them. Just click on the link below and a zip file with the four pdfs will be downloaded! Inventor Container Cheat Sheets [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/o_ZGlaIRlAg”...

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SUPERBOTS: Lynxmotion Robot Arm Upgrades

This week the CIM students in my class took the time to rebuild our Lynxmotion Arms, some of which have been running since 2009, without an problems. The screws were starting to come loose, and some of the servos were a little twitchy, so we used some grant money to get some new upgrades from The...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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