Project: Dobot Welding

Project: Dobot Welding

Leif Sorgule teaches high school technology courses in manufacturing, engineering, robotics, and material processing for Peru Central School District. Leif also teaches CAD and computer aided manufacturing part time as an Associate Professor at the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing at Clinton Community College. To contact Leif email or visit his website at  Thanks Leif! Awesome Project! 

Download the Whole Activity

The activity includes: a presentation, student activity, and field diagram!


Robotic arms are excellent for performing precision repetitive welding operations. Welding in the field or on small projects is still done by hand but mass-produced welds such as with the transportation industry have often moved to automated robotic processes. This process can be broken down to the below sequence of steps.

  1. A home or safe start location
  2. A position above the object to be welded A position at the object to begin the weld
  3. A clear path to follow
  4. A position at the end of weld

In this activity you will learn how to make a basic Weld Line operation in blockly using the Pen Tool End Effector. Your Instructor will mark specific locations on the field diagram that need a weld applied. Through this activity you will learn how to program the robot to Jump move the Pen Tool to a location and Move a distance from that location simulating a welding pattern.

Leif Sorgule is a Technology & Engineering Teacher in Peru, NY. Leif teaches high school technology courses in manufacturing, engineering, robotics, and material processing for Peru Central School District. Leif also teaches CAD and computer aided manufacturing part time as an Associate Professor at the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing at Clinton Community College. To contact Leif email or visit his website at  




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