Mini Golf Course Team Design Challenge


In this project, students will develop more advanced 3D modelling skills and use what they have learned previously, to design a mini golf course with a “theme” of their choice. On the other hand, for those who want to test our their golf skills, they can do so thanks to these packages.

They will also learn to work in teams with other students, perhaps even from other schools!

Special thanks to Corey Duzan, IED Master Teacher, whose videos are part of the playlist.

Skills Developed

-Advanced Modeling Skills-Working Drawings
-Team Building-Curved Patterns
-Following Norms-Reading drawings
-Making Presentations-Presenting in a group
-Brainstorming-Design Process

Project Overview

The video below will give you an overview of the entire project. Includes constraints and requirements.

Hole and Layout Research Document

After watching the intro video above download the the Hole & Layout Research document here, answer the questions as instructed by your instructor. This is a great document that can be split up into multiple parts, and the research can be done virtually, or during a hybrid session as well. It includes questions about course layout as well as constraints, the design process, team norms, and brainstorming as well.

Course Layout Ideas

So your teacher has made the teams, and now you’re ready to begin…. but how do you start? How do you lay out all the holes? What should the “flow” look like? where do I start and end? Best place to start is to do some research on the internet and find some cool ideas for course layouts and hole ideas.

These are all great questions! Here’s a video that can get you started!

Common Parts

Scoring Podium, Tee Pad and golf cup hole are all common parts that need to be made by all teams. These videos will help your students build them if need be.

Download dimensioned drawings here.

Building the Course

Here is a video playlist to help you and your students as they work on their course. Special Thanks to Corey Duzan, 3D Modeling guru for his amazing Onshape tutorials. We’ve added a few made by Jim to add on to Corey’s work to make a complete project for Onshape. This playlist contains all the videos for the project.

Working Drawings

When students are finished building, documentation comes next. Here’s a tutorial on how to complete a working drawing.

Example Holes/Courses

Examples coming soon!


challenge, cim, corey, course, design, duzan, golf, hanson, hole, jim, mini, onshape, project, team, wwc

Chris and Jim CIM
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